Sunday, August 13, 2017

Griffintown Tour

Having seen G. Scott Macleod's multimedia project In Griffintown at the Centre d'Histoire de Montréal, I was happy to learn that his self-guided walking tour of Griffintown is now available on line.

Montrealers know Griffintown as a historic working-class neighbourhood that birthed the Industrial Revolution in Canada and was once home to a large immigrant community.

The 21 stops on the tour are spread over about ten city blocks. Each stop is accompanied by a short video clip that tells a story about the community or a particular building. Photography, drawing and animation are used to create a visual record of the sites. Combined with brief histories and a Google map, the images and animations are now freely available as an online self-guided tour. Guided group tours may also be available.

Griffintown has a special place in the hearts of English-speaking Montrealers, as so many Irish immigrants made their homes here. I look forward to seeing the magic that Macleod has worked with his animated sketches and his evocative story-telling.

You can read my October 2015 post about Macleod's museum show here.

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