Sunday, August 19, 2018

Fall fashion ideas

Don't know what to do with that vintage quilt, stained and worn?

Loewe dress and Dior coat

A recent issue of the Wall Street Journal shows how some top designers are using patchwork in their fall fashion lines, a trend that was first seen last year.

Calvin Klein dress, boots, gloves, headpiece and quilt

Notice what appears to be a metallic, thermal lining to some of these items.

Calvin Klein dress, boots and quilt

It may be time to resurrect that Granny Square crocheted afghan and create something that can hang unworn in your closet for years to come.

1 comment:

Margaret said...

I trust that any of us who want to convert old quilts into clothing, or make new quilted clothing, will do so such that we don't look like we've just gotten out of bed, put on some shoes and thrown our bed coverings over our backs! ;-)